This post is a continuation of the “Direct Selling vs. Employment” blog series. Part Four can be found here. The podcast this blog originated from can be found here.
Shane Krider
I would rather start at the top. Now the downside is that there isn’t already an organization below you. You have the upside of gaining leverage and being able to build an organization as deep and as wide as you possibly can. At the very beginning, it can seem a little bit slower because you’re not plugging into an existing hierarchy that already has a role and positions to find along with a paycheck.
What happens if you’re one of those people at the bottom, Rach, and you have the heart, the talent and the desire to run the entire organization. Are you going to ever be able to express that heart, talent, or desire?
Rachel Krider
Well, if you’re in a typical organization, a few things can prevent you from climbing up to the top. In some organizations, it could be whether you’re a male or a female because sometimes the woman is blocked or sometimes the man is blocked because of the nature of the industry. Sometimes it could be your age. You might be the most talented 25-year-old with the biggest vision ever with a whole bunch of skills within that space to back it up, but just because of your age, you’re blocked from progressing in a particular time frame. Another factor could be the political side of an organization where you haven’t sucked up to the right person.
To give you an example, you mentioned if you’re starting at the top, it can seem a little bit slow. That’s the downside because it’s your organization that you’re building, but then if you give it enough time, the financial wall on the other side can be tremendous. I think the level of time depends on the business you get started in. For me, the first business I was involved in was your typical multi-level.
It was five years of really putting in some consistent effort, and I didn’t reach that pinnacle of success. My biggest month in five years was $10,000. But I was misaligned with my choice of business. It wasn’t the businesses’ fault; it was just me choosing the wrong business for both its product and structure. It also wasn’t an alignment with my personality to be doing home parties. But when I align myself with the right business and the right product, the first four months of my new business I made $2,000. Then the next 90 days, I made $176,000. That sort of a result, at least with my high school dropout education, could never happen in your traditional organizational structure to have that sort of a leap.
To continue this podcast from Prosperity of Life, please visit this link here.